var _jsLang = { "尚可挑選X件贈品,請挑選後再送出購物車。":"Choose %s more free gift before adding the deal to your cart", "複製成功":"Copy succeeded", "複製失敗":"Copy failed", "加入願望清單成功":"Added to your favorite list", "確定加入願望清單嗎":"Confirm adding this item to your Favorite List?", "刪除成功":"Item deleted", "抵用券不足無法領取":"Sorry, you're late, all vouchers has been claimed.", "購物金不足無法領取":"Sorry, you're late, all free credits has been claimed", "已領取":"claimed", "領取成功":"It's yours now! Enjoy!", "未參加活動":"Not participating in the event", "已領取過獎勵":"Has received a reward", "參加遊戲失敗請聯絡客服人員為您處理":"To participate in the game failed, please contact customer service for you to deal with.", "參加成功":"Successful!", "請選擇取消原因和說明狀況":"Please select reason for cancellation", "取消原因":"Reason for cancellation", "請選擇":"Please select", "申請失敗":"Application failed !!", "申請成功":"Application succeeded", "確定要申請紙本發票":"Confirm applying for paperback invoice", "這是錯誤的連結":"Errored link", "商品尚未選購":"Please select one from set X", "組":"Set", "刪除":"Delete", "請選擇尺寸":"Please select size", "請選擇規格三":"Please select the specifications 3", "選購":"Add to cart", "取消選購":"Delete from cart", "請選擇尺寸與規格":"please select your size and color", "請選擇數量":"Quantity", "請選擇尺寸或規格":"Please select the size and color", "新增成功":"Added", "您已成功新增一筆貨到通知當商品有貨時我們會儘快通知您":"Item added to your wishlist. We will notify you when it's restocked!", "庫存":"In stock", "預購品":"Pre-Order Item(s)", "確定刪除此商品":"Confirm deleting this item?", "資料庫忙線中":"Database loading, please hold", "此手機已經被認證綁定了":"This number has been registered", "手機簡訊發送已上限":"SMS limit reached", "請勿重覆發送簡訊請等侯5分鐘":"Please wait for 5 minuites before requestin a new SMS pin", "簡訊已經發送至您的手機了":"SMS pin has been sent to your phone", "請輸入生日日":"Please enter birthday - date", "請輸入生日月":"Please enter your birthday - month", "請輸入生日年":"Please enter your birthday - year", "請輸入手機號碼":"Please enter your phone number", "請選擇國別":"Select country", "您的FacebookEmail尚未經過Facebook認證請先至您的FB帳戶進行認證":"Your email address hasn't been authenticated on Facebook. Please proceed to authenticate your e-mail on Facebook first.", "登入失敗":"Login failed", "第X頁":"Page %u", "下一頁":"Next", "上一頁":"Prev", "發送簡訊認證碼":"Send SMS authentication code", "重新發送簡訊":"Resend SMS authentication code", "無效的來源網址":"Invalid link", "編輯器語系":"", "已加入喜愛清單":"Added to your favorite list", "請輸入您註冊會員資料時填寫的帳號系統稍後會將您的會員密碼以此Email發送給您":"please enter your email account, system will send your password to your e-mail account", "若未收到網站發送的密碼Email麻煩請至垃圾信件夾確認或是致電客服詢問謝謝":"Please check your junk mailbox if you did not receive the password", "若未收到網站發送的密碼簡訊請致電客服詢問謝謝":"please contact our customer service if you have not received the requested SMS code", "請輸入您註冊會員資料時填寫的手機系統稍後會將您的會員密碼以簡訊發送給您":"Please enter your phone number, system will send you your password via SMS", "確定移除這個項目嗎":"Are you sure to remove this item?", "確定加入購物車嗎":"Are you sure to add a shopping cart?", "件贈品請挑選後再送出購物車":"more gift(s) to proceed to cart", "尚可挑選":"Please choose", "X尚未選購":"Add %s more product(s) to the cart", "開始匯入":"Start importing", "訂閱電子報成功抵用券序號已寄送至您的信箱":"Subscribed! Your e-voucher is sent to your mail box", "問題新增成功":"message delivered. Please await our reply", "請輸入內容":"enter content", "已開啟":"message read", "商品庫存不足":"out of stock", "請選擇商品":"Please select", "商品已下架":"This product has been discontinued", "紅利不足":"Insufficient reward points", "欲購買紅利兌換商品請先登入會員並完成會員認證":"To claim gift with reward points, please log in and complete your membership authentication first", "加入購物車成功":"added to cart", "此商品已刪除":"This item has been deleted", "請先登入會員":"Please login first", "請選擇國碼":"Please select country code", "申請退貨失敗":"Application return failed", "申請退貨成功":"Return Request Submitted", "退貨原因":"Reasons for return", "送出":"Sent out", "未勾選任何商品":"No items are checked.", "請填入帳戶名稱":"Please fill in the account name", "請填入銀行帳號":"Please fill in the bank account number", "請填入銀行代號":"Please fill in the bank code", "請填入銀行分行":"Please fill in the bank branch", "請填入銀行名稱":"Please fill in the bank name", "請選擇退款方式":"Please choose a refund method", "請選擇退貨原因":"Please choose the reason for return", "取消訂單失敗":"Cancel order failed !!", "取消成功":"Order Cancelled", "確定要取消這筆訂單":"Are you sure you want to cancel this order?", "未回覆":"No reply", "電子發票載具歸戶文本":"Your digital invoice is issued, please log in to member centre to review or download it", "電子發票結帳提醒文本":"Electronic invoice checkout reminder text", "尚未選購":"Not yet available", "確定刪除嗎":"Are you sure to delete", "改為輸入Email":"log in with email", "改為輸入手機":"log in with phone number", "加入喜愛清單成功":"added", "確定加入喜愛清單嗎":"Confirm adding this item to your Favorite List?", "請輸入行動電話":"please enter your phone number", "手機格式錯誤":"Mobile phone number format error", "請輸入認識管理-其他":"Please enter awareness management - other", "其他":"Other", "限jpg寬1120x440px":"jpg. Limited to 1120x440px", "限jpg寬1200x高不限":"jpg. Limited to 1200x1000px", "限jpg寬2000x高不限":"jpg. Limited to 2000x1800px", "取消訂閱電子報成功":"Newsletter unsubscribed", "訂閱電子報成功":"Newsletter subscribed", "您輸入的Email格式錯誤":"The format of the email you entered is incorrect", "請輸入Email":"Please enter email", "確認送出":"Submit", "請輸入退款日期退貨完成日期":"Please enter the refund date", "退貨":"Return", "退款日期退貨完成日期":"Refund date", "請填入戶名":"Please fill in the account name", "請填入帳號":"Please fill in the bank account number", "哈囉":"Hello", "讀取中":"Loading", "請確定表單欄位是否輸入正確":"please ensure all information above is correct", "沒有勾選任何項目":"no items chosen yet", "此筆以下的退貨原因是否連動此狀態":"The following reasons for the return of this pen linked this state", "取消訂單":"Cancel", "請填入說明狀況":"Please fill in the description of the situation", "請選擇取消原因":"Please choose to cancel the reason", "確定辦理退貨":"confirm return?", "數量超過限購量":"More than the amount of purchase limit", "退換貨處理中":"Return handling", "下午兩點前將貨物送至物流中心":"Delivery of goods to the logistics center before 2 pm", "請於":"Please", "當物流方式為大智通時":"When the logistics way for the big wisdom", "才會更新":"Will be updated", "串接失敗":"Series fail", "未串接":"Not connected in series", "資料串接狀態":"Data concatenation status", "訂單處理中":"Order processing", "處理狀態":"Processing status", "未結案":"Not closed", "當訂單狀態":"When the order status", "該包裏將被退貨":"The bag will be returned", "若指定的預計出貨日期與實際送達物流中心日期不同":"If the specified expected shipping date is different from the actual delivery logistics center date", "須預定預計出貨日期":"Book the estimated shipment date", "當包裏要出貨至物流中心時":"When the bag to be shipped to the logistics center", "此筆以下的貨運公司是否連動此狀態":"Is the following shipping company linked to this status?", "此筆以下的物流編號是否連動此狀態":"Whether the following logistics number is linked to this status", "此筆以下的貨態是否連動此狀態":"Whether this shipment is linked to this status", "是否更新付款狀態為已付款":"Whether or not the payment status is paid", "請先勾選要退貨的商品":"Please check the items to be returned", "確定刪除這個項目":"Confirm Deleting", "確定退貨這個項目":"Make sure to return this item", "出貨件數":"Number of shipments", "貨到物流中心日期":"Goods to the logistics center date", "請輸入出貨件數":"Please enter the number of shipments", "請選擇預定送達日期":"Please select a scheduled delivery date", "串接":"In series", "預計出貨日期":"Estimated shipping date", "若90":"If 90", "換算折數為9折":"Conversion discount of 9 fold", "元":"dollar", "限jpg寬1200x576px":"Limited jpg wide 1200x576px", "限jpg寬1920x576px":"Limited to jpg wide 1920x576px", "限jpg寬940x360px":"Limited jpg wide 940x360px", "排列序號只能填入數字或不可空白":"Arrange serial numbers can only be filled in numbers or not blank", "之後":"After that", "合併出貨":"Combining Order", "此通訊錄已刪除":"This address book has been deleted", "可享折扣":"Discount", "可享折扣金額":"Discounted amount", "確定刪除此通訊錄":"confirm delete this address", "說明":"Description", "請輸入面額":"Enter voucher value", "請選擇面額折扣數":"enter voucher discount rate", "限jpg寬1920x高不限":"Limit jpg wide 1920x high limit", "網路連線過慢網頁請重新整理":"Network unstable, please reload the website or clean your browser cache", "X組":"Set X", "X組商品":"Sets of bundle products", "銀行退款帳號":"Refund to Savings Account (MY)", "請填入銀行退款帳號":"Bank/ Account Holder’s Name/ Account number", "退貨資訊":"Return information", "包裹追蹤單號":"Parcel tracking code", "請填入包裹追蹤單號":"Fill in your return parcel tracking code", "回填成功":"Submitted", "回填失敗":"Failed to submit", "請填入銀行退款名稱":"Please fill up bank name", "請填入銀行帳戶名稱":"Please fill up beneficiary name", "無銀行帳戶名稱":"Beneficiary name is blank!", "無銀行退款名稱":"Bank name is blank!", "銀行退款名稱":"Refund to Bank Name (MY)", "銀行帳戶名稱":"Refund to Beneficiary Name (MY)", "Language_Currency":"MYR" }